Recommendations for vegans

Because a lot of commonly consumed nutrients from meat and dairy are omitted from a vegan diet, there are some dietary recommendations for vegans that are generally made. These can be in the form of natural sources, fortified foods, or through pill supplements.
Among vitamins, B-12 and D are advised to be supplemented. Foods can be fortified with B-12 to allow vegans to consume B-12 as part of their regular diet, ยูฟ่าเบท in foods such as fortified soy beverages and nutritional yeast. Vitamin B-12 can also naturally be found in some breakfast cereals. Vitamin D can be found in drinks such as orange juice.
Nutrients in a Wide Range of Plant Foods
Protein and iron are commonly thought difficult to obtain on a vegan diet. But they’re actually easily obtained for most people.
“Where do you get your protein?” is typically the first question vegans ask. And it’s a bit hard to answer because almost all plant foods contain protein. In other words, vegans get our protein in just about everything we eat!
Eating a serving of high-protein plant foods at most meals will provide enough protein for most vegans (the exception being some strength athletes who should experiment with varying amounts to find the best results). Anyone who’s regularly eating meat and cheese use to high amounts of protein. If you’re craving animal products or feeling fatigue on a vegan diet, adding more protein is often the solutionOther essential nutrients. That usually need to supplemente in a vegan diet are calcium and zinc.
While calcium is common in many staple vegan foods such as leafy green vegetables and tofu. It usually needs to complemente with calcium-fortified foods such as fruit juices.
Zinc is also common in many vegan staples, such as grains and legumes, but vegans should be careful to consume enough of these to balance out the high phytate content of a classic vegan diet.
Healthy fatty acids, such as omega-3, is common in fish, and thus often missed out on in vegan diets.
Vegans are recommend to eat foods rich in n-3 fatty acid ALA. Walnuts and soy products, and n-3 fatty acid DHA, such as soy milk and cereal bars. This is especially important for pregnant and lactating women, who may wish to use additional supplements of long-chain n-3 fatty acids.